Daddy, pssst…. pssst, Daddy!

Just a quick post to capture the moment. Mallory has the tendency, like her daddy, to zone out when she get’s into something, usually on TV. For her it’s normally Mickey Mouse, Handy Manny, or one of her DVD’s. I didn’t realize, but apparently when I can’t get her attention as a result, I will whistle or go “hey, pssst”… until she looks at me, and then continue with what I needed to tell her.

It should be no surprise then, that she has picked up on the exact same habit. Enter Thursday night… I’m sitting down watching the Olympics, and she comes up to me and says “Daddy… pssstt, daddy!” It caught me off guard the first time, so it worked very well, and provided a laugh. Then the next day, when she tried again, and it didn’t work quite as well, her “Psst’s” became “PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTT’s” in rapid succession. Again, many laughs, which I’m sure will only encourage the behavior.

I’m waiting now for the note from daycare, which informs me that she has begun to use this tactic on the teachers.

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