Woes of Newborn Parenting

Ever have one of those nights? Well, I’m having one now. It’s even worse than the night I spilled a brand new bottle of Mylicon all over the bathroom floor. It is exactly 2:27 am. Why am I blogging? I’m “harvesting” food to nourish my child. . . so I have some free time.
Okay, so we’re doing this schedule thing, right? I got so excited because Mallory went for 4 hours two nights in a row (ah, fruits of our labor). WRONG! The next night was only 3 ½ hours. I could live with that. It was better than 3. Well, today, she decided that she was going to be hungry every 2 ½ hours rather than sticking to the 3-hour scheduled that I thought we had agreed on. We made it through the day, and I fed her at 11:00 pm (the last feeding of the night). That’s the magic one. The one that we are hoping gets really, really long. I fed her, put her down, pumped, washed bottles and took a shower. I finally got into bed around 12:50 thinking that, worst case scenario, I was going to get an hour and a half of sleep. WRONG! She didn’t quite make it until 1:30. My thought process kicked in, and I decided that if she was only going to last 2 ½ hours on the amount I was feeding her, I should just increase it a little. Sounds logical. The problem is getting her to eat it. She actually took in less than she normally does. The little stinker was wide awake. She would open her mouth and then make faces when I stuck the bottle in it. She spit up all over herself while I was changing her diaper so we had to have a “costume change” (no biggie. . . I’m use to that). Then, when I tried to lay her down, she protested. That wouldn’t be such a big deal except that I try very hard to keep her from waking Johnathan up since he has to go to work in the morning. I rocked and bounced and giggled and patted and rubbed and finally got her to lay down quietly just before starting this blog. So. . . as I said. . . here I sit with 30 minutes of sleep under my belt and no promise of anything longer than that once I get back into bed. My only solace is that when I go to deposit my “harvest” in the food bank (aka. our refrigerator) I can stop and have a piece of cake.
To add insult to injury, while I have been writing this, I had an issue and spilled milk all over my lap so I will have to change pajamas before I get into bed. Oh, but why go to bed?! Maybe I can make myself useful and verify that our new sprinkler system kicks on at 4:30 am. . . .unless I can’t get that stupid thing to be on a schedule either.

One thought on “Woes of Newborn Parenting

  1. Honey, no matter what you went through or how you felt when you were pregnant, all the swelling and lack of sleep and the big belly and so on and so on, your baby still looks like her daddy. Which is not a bad thing at all in ya’lls case, but all the suffering a woman goes through to get these babies here, the dad still gets the rewards of the baby looking like him. Don’t seem fair to me. But she is still BEAUTIFUL, and I love you all.

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