My How Things Change

We have entered a new phase of baby life. It started weekend before last. Mallory is now officially a fussy baby. At first, I was convinced that someone stole our precious baby and replaced her with a screaming banshee. But once she falls asleep, I still see the same sweet face that I was accustomed to. Running the vacuum works. She gets quiet, but it really only lasts as long as the vacuum is on. Unfortunately, it’s not practical to leave it on 24/7. The dogs also come in handy sometimes. When she really gets going, they started howling and barking. It’s great fun for all (note sarcasm). When the dogs join in the action, Mallory stops crying and makes a face like “what the heck is that?” The good news is that the dogs stop on command so I just let them make noise to stop her crying (come to think of it, I should give them treats for that).
We went to the doctor on Monday. She now weighs 9 lbs. 11.5 oz. Yes, she is officially a chunk. She jumped from the third percentile to the 25th. Amazing. But the problem is,in addition to the near constant crying, she spits up a lot and has periodic episodes of projectile vomiting. By “periodic” I mean every other day or so. Her doctor proposed that, before we medicate, we try giving her a little bit of cereal in her bottle. He said that normally they don’t recommend starting them on cereal until 4 months, but sometimes the cereal helps keep the food down. And we’ll make an exception if it helps. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be helping yet. So they called in a prescription for Zantac today. It could take up to a week for it to be fully effective. I hope it helps. Watching my baby cry and not being able to do anything about it really stinks, not to mention that it’s really frustrating.
On a positive note, we had portraits taken last week. We had seen a lot of work from this woman and were impressed (that explains why we drove an hour to get there). Hopefully, we can post some of them on here. Most of the pictures were taken with Mallory in her birthday suit. We were worried about her peeing all over us, but that wasn’t the problem at all. She puked all over Johnathan a couple of times (I should mention that, one time, he was lying on his back and holding her over his head). And she pooped a little on the photographer. The only time she wet, I was holding her with a diaper underneath the business end. She got very worked up a couple of times and was hard to calm down, but we were able to get some really good shots.
Well, I have to cut this short. I’m being “paged”. No rest for the weary.

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