Let’s Catch Up

Well, I thought I should catch you guys up on the happenings at the Brandon household.  We went to the doctor.  Nothing new there.  It’s just so strange to me.  Could I really have a non-eventful pregnancy?  Let me clarify, making a baby is eventful, but so far, it has been normal.  Apparently, I just think bad things should happen to me. . . does that make me a pessimist?? (don’t answer that)

Pregnancy is the coolest thing. . . I mean, aside from the fact that my ankles are starting to show signs of minor swelling (I know you guys have been waiting for that) and that my ribs are actually starting to have muscle spasms (they have more kick than Tater does).  The baby is getting bigger so I feel it so much more when it moves.  My latest update from one of the many websites I signed up for said it should be over a pound now and 8 ½ inches “crown to rump”.  (Oh, that reminds me!  You gotta try this!  Take a regular piece of printer paper and lay the short side (8 ½ inches) on your forearm like you’re holding a baby.  That’s our Tater!  Or at least that’s how long our Tater is. . . Okay, so I found it cool.  Johnathan thinks I’m a loon.  I also held it up to my belly and wondered how in the world it fits in there.)  Anyway, I feel it a lot now.  I am a little disappointed for Johnathan though because he can’t experience it as often.  It seems like every time I tell him to put his hand on my belly, Tater stops.  I’m sure that’s getting old.  I tried to get s/he all worked up the other night with sugar and caffeine so Lindsey could feel it.  No dice.  Why can’t babies just cooperate?

Earlier this week, I got a couple of nights of decent rest.  One night, I slept a solid 5 ½ hours.  Woo hoo!  It’s not much, but I’ll take what I can get.  Johnathan took a couple of pictures of me last night.  I look terrible.  My face just screams tired.

And the big event of the week. . . Johnathan’s 30th birthday!  We threw him a party Saturday night.  About 20 people showed up.  I totally overestimated the amount of food we needed.  I still have tons of stuff that never got cooked.  We had babies, 7 ½ month old Brady, and 6 week old twins, Arabella and Giselle.  Brady kept us all entertained for a while with his belly laugh.  Giselle kept me occupied for about 20 minutes while I tried to put her to sleep.  All small hints of what we have to come.  ;)  It was a very long day though.  Johnathan and I got up around 7:30.  I scooped poop in the backyard.  Then, he rubbed my rear end and hamstrings because I spent too much time bending over.  He and Kylie cleaned the house while I went to the grocery store.  When I got home, Kylie and I started cooking.  Once we had all of the dips made, we sent the man to his room so we could decorate.  I let Kylie go crazy with the streamer. . . and she did.  It was everywhere!  We got done around 3:30 so I hit the shower.  I was dressed by 4:30.  Just in time to put some finishing touches on the food and for people to show up at 5:15.  So, if you’re not keeping track, by this point, I had not sat down all day (with the exception of the ride to and from the store).  And if you know me at all, you know that, with people in my house, that pattern continued most of the night.  Once most everyone had left, and I had cleaned the kitchen, I plopped down on the couch exhausted out of my mind (I still don’t think my feet have recovered).  Johnathan came, sat down beside me and started rubbing my feet.  Someone said, “That’s love.”  Johnathan said, “No.  Love is a pregnant woman who will spend all day on her feet, cooking, decorating and cleaning the kitchen just to celebrate your birthday.”  Ladies and gentlemen, I have a winner.  ;)

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