The Pilates Experience

We sent pictures to my dad for his birthday.  One was at the beginning of pregnancy and one was from last week.  I looked at the first one and thought, “man, my tummy was pretty flat. . . what was I complaining about?”  I guess it’s all about perspective. 

Contrary to what my mother predicted, I absolutely love my belly.  I like to stand and look at it in the mirror.  I like to rest my hands on it.  I like to wonder how big it will really get.  But for someone who loved running 20-25 miles a week, it is difficult to imagine myself being so sedentary on purpose.  I’m feeling more like a slug everyday.  I’m still trying to get use to the 17 extra pounds. . . so far.  Enter: the bright idea to come home and exercise last night.  Early in the pregnancy, I bought a yoga DVD and a Pilates DVD.  Kylie and I have done the yoga one a few times.  It’s good.  Not too taxing, but my ribs usually feel better for a little while afterwards.  For some reason, I thought I would be adventurous last night.  I have been putting off doing the Pilates one because I figured it would be harder (when will I ever start listening to that inner voice of mine), but the wrapper was still on it so the guilt overtook me.  I opened it and popped it in the DVD.  My first clue should have been when the leading woman said, “I’m in my third trimester.”  I yelled, “YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!  I’M BIGGER THAN SHE IS!!”  (Then, I had to rewind because I missed some of the instructions.)  I was sent into a panic because one of the items that I “needed” was a wooden dowel (Where the hairy heck am I going to get a wooden dowel?)  I searched the catalog inventory in my mind of mops or brooms that I might be able to rob of a handle, but I settled on a pool cue (I’m sure it was an interesting sight at the very least).  The yoga video has a woman to represent each trimester. . . but not the Pilates video.  Oh, no.  Women in the first and second trimester are supposed to follow this skinny, limber wench (who I will further lovingly refer to as SLW).  I assume that because the leading woman didn’t show until she was into her 7th month, she saw nothing wrong with me and my big belly trying to emulate SLW.  Of course, she doesn’t know how competitive and hard-headed I can be either.  So while the women representing the 3rd trimester were supporting themselves on a stool or modifying poses to make them easier, me and SLW were lifting, holding and stretching our full weight.  I will admit that I made my own modification on one exercise.  The 3rd trimester women were lying completely on their sides while SLW and I were propped up on our elbows.  (For some reason, SLW’s belly didn’t fall over like mine did.)  At another point, I was copying SLW while the 3rd trimester wimps were supporting themselves up on their precious little stools.  I suppose that I grunted or made some kind of noise that indicated I was struggling.  Apparently, Johnathan heard me so to be “supportive” or something, he asked, “what’s so hard about it?”  grrrr. . . ..Ladies and gentlemen, he has 4 months to go.  Vegas is laying odds on his survival.

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