Saturday Morning Funny

I love lazy Saturday mornings where you get to sleep late. I just wish our kids felt the same way. Their internal clocks need a later setting for weekends.
It usually starts with Calen coming down and getting in bed with us. Then comes the inevitable, “Daddy [Mommy]…I want milk with chocolate and strawberry in it.” You can put it off for a little while in an effort for just a little more sleep, but it just keeps coming back…again, and again, and again…until your defenses have been shattered and you drag yourself to the kitchen and make the concoction with one eye open.
This morning, after fighting the battle, Johnathan decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. Cal was playing on my iPad and Johnathan started saying “Calen, I want some pancakes, make me some pancakes…” over and over. Calen’s reply, “No…I don’t bake.”

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