14 1/2 Weeks (& The Transition is Over)

Finally!! We heard Tater Two’s heartbeat today. I know this is our second, but it was still pretty cool. The heart rate was 143 (I looked back…Mallory’s was 156…any bets on the gender??). Johnathan said, “Sounds like a boy.” Dr. E just smiled and said, “Actually, it’s on the borderline between a boy and a girl…if you believe in that.” Next time we’ll have the ultrasound. But before you ask – no, we have not changed our minds about finding out. :)
Mallory has officially made it through the transition period. “They” say it takes about 2 weeks, and “they” are right. The first week, pretty much all of the drop-offs were unfun. She never bawled. It was a silent cry…with a very sad face. She would poke her lip out really far. Just heartbreaking. But as I promised, I didn’t cry in front of her after the first day. By the time I got to work and looked at the web cam, she was fine. There was only one day where I saw her receiving comfort from Miss “Mantha” (her new favorite teacher). But 30 minutes later she was eating breakfast just fine for the rest of the day.
At the beginning of the second week, she knew where she was from the parking lot and wasn’t thrilled about it. But there were no tears that day. And every day got a little better. Johnathan took her 2 or 3 times, which I think helped tremendously. That made it more of her “new place”, not just mommy being mean. :) She still won’t walk into the school, but she wasn’t always big on that at her last daycare.
Today, the drop off was fine. It was no worse than at the old school…so oddly, that’s actually encouraging. She is even talking now. For the first week and a half, Miss “Mantha” was the only one who heard a words…but there still weren’t very many of them being used. Now, apparently, she is a little chatterbox. :) That’s my girl.

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