A Few Firsts

While I’m sitting here having cookies and milk, I’ll go ahead and tell you that the doctor appointment went well today. Despite my thickening waist, I haven’t gained any weight, and my blood pressure was perfect. Because it’s still too early to hear the heartbeat using a doppler, we actually got to see Tater Two again. And man was he active! We saw flailing arms and hiccups. Looks like Mallory will have a dance partner…in a couple of years. So everything looks good.
As a follow up to the last post, Mallory did have an ear infection. Absolutely crazy. She lost her tube in her right ear on 2/28 (I know that because I found it). Less than a month later, she already had an ear infection. The left ear still has its tube. We go to the ENT on Friday. We’ll see what he says.
Unfortunately, the worst result of the ear infection was a toddler who no longer wanted to sleep in her bed. And it happened so quickly. One night of putting her in the bed with us just to get some rest and she was ruined. Last Tuesday night, I spent about 45 minutes just trying to get her to go to sleep. I let her cry for a while (stubbornness…she gets that from her dad). Then, I went back in and comforted her without picking her up. I ended up just sitting and rocking in the chair until she fell asleep in her bed. After a week of tapering down our effort, she is finally back to going to bed like the Mallory we know and love…but we still can’t close her door. It causes much screaming. That should be interesting tomorrow night during small group.
On the positive side, just sitting and rocking in the quiet of her room, I felt Tater Two move. That was cool. At this point, it’s still hard to distinguish between him and tummy rumblings, but that one was definitely baby.
I had my first craving this week. Much to Kylie’s chagrin, it was not for King Cake (we still have over 6 months so there’s plenty of time for that). It was mustard. Don’t judge. You don’t get to pick your cravings. So I went to the grocery store to get hot dogs and chili fixings…I left with $150 worth of stuff. At one point, I was on the phone with Johnathan and I mentioned fish sticks, cocktail sauce and popcorn shrimp. He said, “Are you hungry?!” I said, “Well, I wouldn’t have thought so but…maybe.” We did have hot dogs and Frito pies for dinner so I got my mustard fix.
Kylie finally went to the doctor for her ankle. The verdict? She sprained it pretty good. More ice. More ibuprofen. More rest. No Lacrosse…for at least another week. As I said before, she is going out of town during Spring Break, so that should mean even more rest. That will be good.
Saturday was an interesting day to say the least. Johnathan went to help some friends tile their kitchen. Mallory and I cleaned house. She was all over the place. At one point, she literally dove on Cole. The unfortunate thing was that he was lying next to the bed. When she landed on him, the right side of her face smacked (rather loudly) on the wooden bed rail that is hidden by a dust ruffle. She has a nice shiner. I promise to get the picture up as soon as possible.
With the title of this blog, I promised a few firsts. I’ll leave you with this one. Mallory is starting to show a lot of interest in using the potty. She tries to open the door while you’re in there, and she has even asked to sit on the toilet a couple of times. Well, when you’re home alone with a toddler, locking yourself in a bathroom to take care of business is just not possible. What do I get to put in Mallory’s book as her first real sentence? “Mommy make poopy.” Fantastic. :)

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