Head, shoulders, ears and nose…. ears and nose

My last post was getting a little long, so I had to save this tidbit for a different day. Not to mention that anyone who checks back regularly, and consequently is disappointed by the lack of posts will be pleasantly surprised. All I ask is that you comment back so that we know you out there. I imagine it’s a list of about 3 people. :)

During most days Angie and I have separated the duties related to Mallory such that I am responsible for getting her up and out the door, and Angie is responsible for getting her bathed and to bed. This began as a result of Angie taking quite a bit longer to get ready in the morning than I do, and it not seeming quite fair. So on most mornings I can get Mallory ready and myself in the time it takes Angie to be ready to get out the door. Now that we are carpooling, this is even more convenient. And before anyone asks, I’m not complaining at all. I can appreciate the delicate and time consuming nature of eyelash curling and color coordinating… I just don’t have that problem.

About a week ago though Angie showed me what she had been working on with Mallory in the tub. In case you haven’t been caught up, Mallory takes a bath in the big girl tub and loves it. It’s amazingly more convenient than the sink as well, and just to put a cherry on top… she loves the water. Anyway… Mallory proceeds to show me where her nose is (at Mom’s request) and then her ears. I know it’s a small thing, but it just never ceases to amaze me how many new things she picks up on and how much learning she is doing right now. She’s a sponge. Now if we could just get her to say milk.

2 thoughts on “Head, shoulders, ears and nose…. ears and nose

  1. keep it up………she will enjoy all this down the road and its fun how I can read yours and remember and compare the past…..love mom

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