Trip to the Doctor

Just a quick update. We went to the doctor today. Mallory is now 19 lbs. 11 oz. I was right. She did go through a growthspurt. The good news is that her body sped up, and her head slowed down. ;) She is 30 inches long and in the 75 percentile. Her head came down to the 75 percentile (from 90%)…no more bobble head. Her weight is still only in the 25 percentile so she’s a long, skinny baby…but at least she’s not a long, skinny baby with a big ole head.
Developmentally, she is on track with her due date not her birth date, which I guess technically means she’s ahead. That’s good. She got three shots (poor baby). But she did really well. I had to hold her hands down. The nurse said at this age they sometimes react by reaching down and grabbing the syringe…apparently, that is not a good thing. So I was holding her arms, the nurse was giving the shots, and Mallory was turning red and crying. I felt so bad. After the third one, I picked her up…I swear the child wasn’t breathing. It was one of those where their mouth is wide open, their face is beat red, and you just know that as soon as they can get that breath, a sound that could rival Mt. St. Helen is going to come out. Eventually, she caught that breath and just started squalling. But the amazing thing was that almost as soon as I got her up to my chest, she laid her head on my shoulder and stopped. The nurse said she did really well (in her non-kiddie voice…I honestly don’t think I have ever heard her real voice). She said that one of the shots burns really badly when it goes in. I said, “She’s a tough cookie.” The nurse agreed.
Only one negative outcome. Remember the gap between her teeth that I talked about last time, and how it was suppose to be a good thing? Well, too much of a good thing is bad. Her gap may prove to be a little more than the other teeth and braces can handle. Of course, we wouldn’t do anything until her permanent teeth come in, but oral surgery is a possibility. We’ll see. That’s several years down the road.
All in all, a good visit. We go back in 15 months.

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