New Year… New things to enjoy…

Well, I guess since I spent some time talking about how sick everyone is/was… then it’s probably time to talk about some of the things happening around the house.

Kylie has a new job, and seems to enjoy the new challenges. She’s working over at Maccaroni Grill now. She has started as a hostess, but is looking to move up to server when she turns 18 this month. There’s a lot of memorization and studying that she has to do for the job, which I’m sure she’ll do great at, and which should also mirror how well she’ll do in school this coming semester. She’s a Junior this year, and after 11 years in school, I’m know it starts to wear you down. We’ve had more conversations lately though about what she wants to do when she get’s out. I’m sure whatever it is, she’ll be great at it.

Angie is settling back into work after a long 2 weeks off. It was a slow start back with Mallory still being a little sick but yesterday was probably the most normal day yet. She said that when she went to pick her up, the teacher said Mallory had been fine all day. When Mallory saw Angie though, she started doing a little fussing. I think we have an actor in the family… or a manipulator depending on whether it’s cute or old. It will probably take a week or so for Mallory to get back into her routine. She’s been waking up a little earlier than normal the past few days. Hopefully that will revert back soon. \

Mallory has also been doing some fun new stuff. She’s getting pretty good at feeding herself these little Gerber Graduates. They are kind of like cereal, but dissolve a little quicker. Not only is she getting better at picking them up and putting them in her mouth, but she does a good job chewing them too. That has given us a new tool in keeping her content… especially when we sit down to eat dinner.

She’s also talking a lot more. Usually it’s on politics or the weather… the stuff she hears on TV, but every once in a while we dive into some philosophy or mathmatics. At least that’s what I imagine she’s saying anyway. She certainly means to say something… and when she’s frustrated, that certainly comes across as well. I’ve had to tell her on a couple of occasions to watch her language.

She’s got sitting up pegged, so she doesn’t fall over as much. She is actually pretty good at moving from a sitting position to laying on her stomach without too much fuss. Rolling is no problem either. She keeps pulling her knees up under her, so we are hoping she’ll get traction any day now and start moving forward. For now, she seems to make better progress backwards.

I guess that’s the highlights, except of course that she likes to talk on the phone. I’m pretty sure she get’s that from her big sister. We are in trouble when she gets old enough to start making her own calls. Thoughts of that Internet story where the little kid is talking to the police on the phone from his hiding place in the house, while his parents, police, swat, and everyone else search frantically for them. That will be us… if someone wouldn’t mind hitting the record button when it comes on, that would be great. I’d like to make sure we capture the live news footage for use in a future wedding video or something.

Hope everyone is having a great New Year and staying un-sick.

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