Quiet Time

It has been a very quiet week. Kylie has been on a band trip so it has just been the two of us. . . I mean, three of us. ;) We have done a lot of napping and a lot of nothing else. We did get the Christmas decorations taken down and put away. However, I believe that our neighbors are going to disown us if we don’t get the tree out of the driveway.

So we listened to the heartbeat again last night. That was only the second time this week. (Johnathan is much better at finding the little booger than I am.) It was very strong and loud. Music to our ears. ;) Tator seemed to keep running from the device because Johnathan had to keep moving it. It was funny.

I am feeling much better these days. Not nearly as much nausea. . . but chicken is still off my list. I haven’t had any real cravings yet, but I am at least able to eat now. I haven’t quite felt that “boost of energy” you’re supposed to get in the second trimester. Either I’m not there yet or it has just been a really lazy week. . . or maybe both.

Christmas was great. Our church provided a devotional guide for us to do Christmas Eve. Johnathan, Kylie and I had some really good discussions over it. That helped us focus on the true celebration of Christmas.

On the less spiritual side, there were lots of presents and family. I had a fairly maternal Christmas. ;) First, I got all the clothes that my mom and Kylie made me try on back at Thanksgiving. Johnathan gave me the Willow Tree statue of a pregnant woman holding her big belly. It’s called “Cherish” and the card says “Awaiting a miracle”. Love it!! And I got a diamond pendant of a mother and child. Pretty fond of that too. I also got a gift card to Motherhood Maternity. . . that will come in very handy, very soon. And I got a pedicure spa. As a matter of fact, I used that today. Johnathan got a brief lesson for later on when I can’t reach my own feet. ;) Tator got some things too. He/she got a couple of blankets (baby stuff is so soft), a bib, a set of picture albums and a duck that will float in the tub and play “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”. Very sweet!

I think that does it for today. I’m going to lay on the couch and finish out my last lazy day. We need to start the nursery soon. That should provide a lot of fun stuff to talk about, especially since we aren’t going to find out if Tator is a he or a she…so stay tuned.

One thought on “Quiet Time

  1. Enjoy those lazy days which I know you have from talking with you both.Take as many as you can because before you know it they probably won’t come around very often for the next 20 years or so……sorry but its true.Thank goodness we don’t think about that and alot of other things when we decide we want to start a family……it would scare us to death…..Don’t take me wrong…having you and Matt has been one of the most rewarding and beautiful parts of my life and I cherish the memories and experiences(well..John some of those experiences you put me through, like hiding behind the bushes watching me desperately hunting you made a few gray hairs and took some time off my life..HA HA).I would not trade or change any of it. I know Angie as we have kidded before this little one will be half John.Don’t worry you will be fine :).I can see John as he reads this…has that big grin across his face:).love you both,I mean all 4 of you.mom

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