9th Week

Yeah, no puking yet, but sometimes I really want to.  I’m miserable. . . but it comes and goes.  It has to be the worst thing ever to sit in front of a plate of food, knowing that you have to eat, and really, really, really not wanting to.  Ginger ale and Preggie Pop Drops have become my best friends (Kylie bought me the drops as an early Christmas present).  I’m making shakes for breakfast with a protein mix.  That’s going pretty well so far.  So I’m getting at least half of the protein I am suppose to get on a daily basis (hey, I’ll take what I can get). 

I am really looking forward to getting this first trimester behind me. . . for many reasons.  First, the risk of miscarriage goes down.  Second, this nausea will end (at least I pray it does).  Third, I’m supposed to get some energy back.  I haven’t run in almost 2 weeks.  I’m starting to feel like a big slug (although I still haven’t gained weight. . . I fluctuate up occasionally about 1 pound but then come right back down).  I fell asleep on the couch last night around 8:30.  Having a really long weekend for Thanksgiving was great.  I slept a lot.  (I wonder if my boss would allow naps at work.) 

I guess the only symptom that has me a little baffled is cramps.  I have them almost daily now.  Sometimes they’re sharp, sometimes a dull ache.  I have read that this isn’t exactly rare so I’m not worried.  It’s just weird.  I haven’t had any spotting so it can’t be all that bad.  For now, it gives me a good reason to lie down and put my feet up.  ;)

Before I forget (because apparently I’m having issues with that right now), my mother took a little offense to my comment about wanting to “take her out” (read Protein and Pants if you need to catch up).  She wasn’t truly “offended”; she just asked me about it 3 times on the day she read it.  So sorry, mom.  I do love you, honest. . . even when my blood pressure shoots through the roof.  ;)

Okay, I think that’ll do for today.  By the way, someone tell my husband that if my memory is getting so bad, stop asking me what we bought people for Christmas last year.  It makes my head hurt.  ;)

2 thoughts on “9th Week

  1. ok… just a quick note before i get carmie in the bathtub… i showed her the laughing baby on your blog and let me tell you… ALL this girl wants to do is watch that baby!
    she’s going to be 3 on Sunday. We’re going to have her party at Mom’s on Saturday and then Sunday we’re going to Santa’s house after church. Then maybe Chuck E Cheese? Maybe we’ll see Happy Feet. Who knows. I guess we’ll just play it by ear. Anyway, I love you guys.
    Angie: does Johnathan need reminding to rub your feel nightly? :-) If so, just let me know. That REALLY helps with just about ALL the pregnancy symptoms. :-) (sorry john; but she deserves to be pampered!)
    love you both!
    (p.s. Hi Kylie!!!!)


  2. Boy, do I feel dumb! Angie, I just found out TODAY that you’re PG! I am THRILLED for all of you!

    Try papaya tablets (available at health food stores) for the nausea…and the tiredness really does go away (at least for a while!) so hang in there.

    I absolutely loved being pregnant (the good, the bad, and the ugly….) and if I can help in any way, just let me know.

    All the best!

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