My Tooth (continued)

Okay, so I made the call yesterday to ask my dentist to come in on his day off. I felt really bad about it, but apparently, it was a good idea. Is it bad when a dentist says “Yeah, this is a really sick tooth”? Well, if you think that’s bad, just wait.

At first, I’m laying there, he’s squirting water on my tooth, and all I can think is, “Man, if that feels funny, what is the drill going to feel like?” (Adrenaline rush comes to mind, but sounds a little mild) He had to deaden me a couple of times (silly me, I have opted out of the stuff that has the potential to cause birth defects). But eventually, he started on the root canal. Once the nerve was gone, it was smooth sailing. Oh…right up to the point where he said, “Angie, I was hoping we were going to be able to finish this today, but…” Yep, in the middle of a root canal. Apparently, the tooth canal was full of blood and…well, I’ll spare you the details. If he sealed it up right then, I would be in even more pain. So he packed it with medicine and put the temporary crown back on. I’ll continue the antibiotics and go back on Monday to finish it up. Now, I’m just sore (duh, I had a root canal…or at least most of one). But the right side of my face is no longer throbbing. Woo hoo!

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