So many questions…

Wow… so this whole baby thing introduces tons of new questions into your life. You are constantly asking what’s ok and what’s not… wanting, as I’m sure everyone does, not to do anything that may hurt the little one. And it seems that right about that same time, all sorts of stuff comes up that would normally be no big deal.

Angie has been having some trouble with her teeth and made a trip to our dentist. She needed to have a couple crowns, but wasn’t sure about the novocaine that they inject you with. We found out that in general it’s ok, as long as it doesn’t have epinepherine in it… so that meant they used some stuff that doesn’t last as long, and had to numb her again halfway through. Afterwards though, her mouth continued to hurt, and so she’s going back in tomorrow for the root canal. : ( That introduces the need for her to take antibiotics… so we had to do some research on that. A call to mom, and then to her OBGYN, and we had the information we needed. Seems some antibiotics are ok, while others are not. The nurse suggested staying in the “Cephalosporins” family of antibiotics…

So, it’s been a lot of research… lot’s of questions and calls… but we are doing our best to do the right thing. Angie has been great… a trooper. I hope her tooth feels better after tomorrow. I guess it has to after having the nerve removed. : )

Oh, and she was outed the other day… seems a friend of ours noticed that she had been sick a lot… she started asking questions, and Angie told her she’s not allowed to ask any more questions until after Monday’s Dr. visit. So, she knows… but she knows she can’t talk about it. I’m actually surprised that more people haven’t figured it out, espcially after the halloween costume. Can’t wait till next week when we get to start spilling the beans.

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