Ooops… I forgot

So it’s interesting how last night in my effort to get this site off the ground, I posted a little more information than my wife and I have made public.  Luckly I realized this before I got to work today, and blabbed about my new blog.  Angie is scheduled to see her doctor on Monday, and we decided that with very few exceptions (most out of necessity) we are holding off until that point to let everyone in on our surpise.  That means if you are reading this before Monday, please keep it quiet. I realize that everyone in the world is splitting at the seams to tell the great news, but I’m going to have to ask you to refrain.

For those of you reading this after the trip… well, I guess you can look at it as a behind the scenes glimpse of how this whole secret-keeping process works.  We are both finding it hard to keep it secret, and are looking forward to Monday.  

A couple nights ago, we went to a bonfire/fellowship with the youth group for Halloween.  We thought it would be funny for Angie to dress up like she’s pregnant.  I guess we underestimated how many people would ask if it was real… that was tough… We agreed not to lie about it ahead of time, but Angie was masterful in her ability to answer their questions, without answering their questions… Probably should be more careful.

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